All orders are exclusively subject to my conditions of delivery and payment. Differing conditions require our express written approval.
The publication of this catalogue renders all formerly listed prices invalid.
All prices are listed in Euros and do not include VAT. This catalogue is intend for trade customers.
Shipping Costs within Europe
Orders are charged a flat fee of € 15.50 for shipping and handling.
Shipping Costs to Non-Europe Countries
I export to all countries. Orders of less than € 2.500.00 net are charged a flat fee of € 60.00 including packaging, postage, and transport insurance.
Terms of Payment
Accepted are payments by bank transfer. Payments have to be free of charge for our company.
Bank fees are charged exclusively on the customer.
Delivery occurs after payment entrance.
Overdue Accounts
Please pay in time. In order to cover the costs generated by overdue accounts, I reserve the right to charge a 5% interest above the Euro base interest rate. For every overdue notice I have to send, a service charge of € 5.00 to € 10.00 will be charged.
Partial Shipments
I reserve the right to make partial shipments when a certain item is out of stock if this serves to expedite processing of the order. Partial shipments are subject to our terms of payment.
Reservation of Change
I reserve the right to alter technical specifications without notice. All items are subject to the reasonable variations common in trade with respect to dimension, weight, colour and grain (for wood products).
Reservation of Property Rights
All delivered goods remain the property Tempel Feine Bestandteile until all due payments resulting from my association with the buyer are made in full (if checks or bills of exchange are given as payment, until they have cleared).
Before goods are paid in full they may be disposed of only in the proper course of business. They may not be transferred to third parties nor given as security until they are paid in full.
Reservation of Delivery
I reserve the right to cancel a delivery, partially or in full, due to unforeseen circumstances such as strike, war, fire, acts of government. natural disasters. traffic delays, etc.
Data Storage
Customer data is stored and used in accordance with the German Federal Law of Data Protection (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz).
Place of Payment and Jurisdiction
Michelstadt (D-64720) is the place of performance of all deliveries and payments as well as court of jurisdiction. All contractual relations are subject exclusively to the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany. International mercantile laws are not applicable.
VAT Identification Numbers for EU Customers
If you are an EU customer, please specify whether you have a VAT ID or not. If you have a VAT ID, you do not have to pay the German VAT.
If you do not have a VAT ID or do not indicate your VAT ID on your order form. I am legally bound by EU tax laws to add the German VAT. This regulation only applies to customers from countries within the European Union. Any exports to other countries are not subject to VAT.
Bank Account
Volksbank Odenwald
BLZ: 508 635 13
Account-No.: 102259281
IBAN-No.: DE74 5086 3513 0102 2592 81
The IBAN – number ist valid at the moment fort the following countries (11/2002): Andorra, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway. Austria, Poland, Portugal, San Marino, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain.
All prices listed in this catalogue are net, excl. VAT. as it is intended for trade customers.
If ther are any lacks or problems with our material, please let us know immediatley, before working on the products.
If you do not remark any problems right after receiving material, it is considered as accepted without any objections ans defects.
Stand: September 2017