
Tailpiece “Dyneema”
Tailpiece gut with screws for fixing tailpieces for violin, viola and cello

Dyneema is a plastic fiber, developed by the Dutch chemical concern royal DSM.DYNEEMA N.V is a high-strength Polyethylen fiber (PE) which is 15 times more train-firm with the same weight up to than steel (250-300 daN/mm ²) and 40% is more firm than Aramid. The rice length of Dyneema amounts to about 300 km. Dyneema is a little lighter with a density of 0,95-0,97 g / cm ³ than water and swims. The fiber is long-lasting very long and has a high permanence against wear, humidity, ultraviolet rays
and chemicals.

– polyethylen-fibre

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