An essential condition for high-quality products is the specialised competent choice and procurement of suitable materials – here fine woods, bone and mammoth; these are not always available in the necessary quality and amount at the market. Therefore, it requires a clever, wide-looking stock planning and camp position of such source materials for high quality accessoires for musicl instruments.

Proprietor Knut Tempel with an old, well mature rosewood plank of the finest quality

High-class Pyrenees box, the basic material for pegs, tailpieces, chinrests and other accessoires

Some especially mighty box – little trunk for the production of bigger parts, e.g., chinrests

Only a small area from a trunk (here plumwood) is usable for the processing of high-quality accessoires

Bone, needed for face plates for bows and piano buttons must become cleaned in a luxurious procedure and cut precisely

The senior boss Otto Tempel with the segment of a fossil mammoth’s tusk (approx. 10000 years old!)