Tailpiece, French model, boxwood with black saddle (buffalo horn)

Tailpiece, French model, boxwood with white saddle (mammoth’s fossil)
Price and availibility only on request

Tailpiece, French model, ebony with black saddle (buffalo horn)

Tailpiece, French model, plum wood with black saddle (buffalo horn)

Tailpiece, French model, plum wood with beige saddle (boxwood)

Tailpiece, French model, ebony with black saddle (buffalo horn)

Tailpiece, French model, ebony with white saddle (mammoth’s fossil)
Price and availibility only on request

Tailpiece, French model, ebony with beige saddle (boxwood)

Tailpiece, French model, rosewood with black saddle (buffalo horn)

Tailpiece, French model, rosewood with white saddle (mammoth’s fossil)
Price and availibility only on request

Tailpiece, French model, rosewood with beige saddle (boxwood)

Tailpiece, English model, boxwood with black saddle (buffalo horn)

Tailpiece, English model, boxwood with white saddle (mammoth’s fossil)
Price and availibility only on request

Tailpiece, English model, boxwood with beige Saddle (boxwood)

Tailpiece, English model, plum wood with black saddle (buffalo horn)

Tailpiece, English model, plum wood with beige saddle (boxwood)

Tailpiece, English model, ebony with black saddle (buffalo horn)

Tailpiece, English model, ebony with white saddle (mammoth’s fossil)
Price and availibility only on request

Tailpiece, Englishh model, ebony with beige saddle (boxwood)

Tailpiece, English model, rosewood with black saddle (buffalo horn)

Tailpiece, English model, rosewood with white saddle (mammoth’s fossil)
Price and availibility only on request

Tailpiece, English model, rosewood with beige saddle (boxwood)

Tailpiece, French model, carved, boxwood with black saddle (buffalo horn) “VIOLINIST”

Tailpiece, French model, carved, boxwood with white saddle (mammoth’s fossil) “VIOLINIST”
Price and availibility only on request

Tailpiece, French model, carved, boxwood with black saddle (buffalo horn) “SCHALMEI PLAYER”

Tailpiece, French model, carved, boxwood with white saddle (mammoth’s fossil) “SCHALMEI PLAYER”
Price and availibility only on request

Tailpiece, French model, carved, boxwood with black saddle (buffalo horn) “LILLY” – fleurdelys

Tailpiece, French model, carved, boxwood with white saddle (mammoth’s fossil) “LILLY” – fleurdelys –
Price and availibility only on request

Tailpiece, French model, carved, boxwood with black saddle (buffalo horn) “OLD LILLY”

Tailpiece, French model, carved, boxwood with white saddle (mammoth’s fossil) “OLD LILLY”
Price and availibility only on request

Tailpiece, French model, boxwood with black saddle (buffalo horn) with GOLD LILLY

Tailpiece, French model, ebony with black saddle (buffalo horn) with GOLD LILLY

Tailpiece, French model, rosewood with black saddle (buffalo horn) with GOLD LILLY

Tailpiece, French model, boxwood with black saddle (buffalo horn) with GOLD LYRA

Tailpiece, French model, ebony with black saddle (buffalo horn) with GOLD LYRA

Tailpiece, French model, rosewood with black saddle (buffalo horn) with GOLD LYRA