Tuning peg, English model, boxwood, without pin but with collar

Tuning peg, English model, boxwood, with black pin and collar (ebony)

Tuning peg, English model, boxwood, with white pin and collar (mammoth’s fossil)
Price and availibility only on request

Tuning peg, English model, boxwood, with beige pin and collar (boxwood)

Tuning peg, English model, plum wood, without pin but with collar

Tuning peg, English model, plum wood, with black pin and collar (ebony)

Tuning peg, English model, plum wood, with beige pin and collar (boxwood)

Tuning peg, English model, ebony, without pin but with collar

Tuning peg, English model, ebony with black pin and collar (ebony)

Tuning peg, English model, ebony with white pin and collar (mammoth’s fossil)
Price and availibility only on request

Tuning peg, English model, ebony with beige pin and collar (boxwood)

Tuning peg, English model, rosewood without pin but with collar

Tuning peg, English model, rosewood with black pin and collar (ebony)

Tuning peg, English model, rosewood, with white pin and collar (mammoth’s fossil)
Price and availibility only on request

Tuning peg, English model, rosewood, with beige pin and collar (boxwood)

Tuning peg, heart shape, boxwood, without pin but with collar

Tuning peg, heart shape, boxwood, with black pin and collar (ebony)

Tuning peg, heart shape, boxwood, with white pin and collar (mammoth’s fossil)
Price and availibility only on request

Tuning peg, heart shape, boxwood, with beige pin and collar (boxwood)

Tuning peg, heart shape, ebony, without pin but with collar

Tuning peg, heart shape, ebony, with black pin and collar (ebony)

Tuning peg, heart shape, ebony, with white pin and collar (mammoth’s fossil)
Price and availibility only on request

Tuning peg, heart shape, ebony, with beige pin and collar (boxwood)

Tuning peg, heart shape, rosewood, without pin but with collar

Tuning peg, heart shape, rosewood, with black pin and collar (ebony)

Tuning peg, heart shape, rosewood, with white pin and collar (mammoth’s fossil)
Price and availibility only on request

Tuning peg, heart shape, rosewood, with beige pin and collar (boxwood)

Tuning peg, classic-model, boxwood, without pin but with collar

Tuning peg, classic-model, plum wood, without pin but with collar

Tuning peg, classic-model, ebony, without pin but with collar

Tuning peg, antique model, boxwood

Tuning peg, antique model, ebony

Tuning peg, antique model, rosewood

Tuning peg, Swiss model, boxwood

Tuning peg, Swiss model, ebony

Tuning peg, Swiss model, rosewood

Tuning peg, heart shape, boxwood, with black pin and collar (ebony), decorated: Vuillaume model

Tuning peg, heart shape, boxwood, with white pin and collar (mammoth’s fossil), decorated: Vuillaume model
Price and availibility only on request

Tuning peg, heart shape, boxwood, with black pin and collar (ebony), decorated: fleurdelys

Tuning peg, heart shape, boxwood, with white pin and collar (mammoth’s fossil), decorated: fleurdelys
Price and availibility only on request

Tuning peg, heart shape, boxwood, profusely decorated

Tuning peg, heart shape, boxwood with gold button

Tuning peg, heart shape, ebony with gold button

Tuning peg, heart shape, rosewood with gold button

Tuning peg, heart shape, ebony with gold button and gold collar